Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Geography of Gallifrey- Eva

For the location of our city state we would choose modern day Kefalonia. Although it is not the biggest of all the islands, it is still very large which means that we wouldn't be as dependent on trade from other islands and regions in Greece because we already have many resources. Gallifrey would also have easy access to the ocean which brings foods such as fish and other materials to use for tools. Being around the ocean, we would also have a fabulous navy therefore we would be protected.

Social Class - Ralene
Lowest Class: Slaves
        The lowest class consist of slaves that do not get paid. These slaves work and get no money in return. Slaves have no rights! Slaves are people that are disloyal to their city state. You can be born into slavery or be a prisoner of war.
Middle Class: Citizens
        The middle class consists of the majority of the population. The middle class is not wealthy. The middle class has many rights they can work and earn money. The majority of the middle class works.
Highest Class: aristocrats
         This class consist of strong males and females! they had the right to vote and own slaves. they were very wealthy people. the aristocrats were full citizens!
         Women had as many rights as men. but women were not allowed to fight in war. However they were allowed to vote and could be in any class.
Foreign and Domestic affairs

Foreign Affairs 
Gallifrey if a peaceful state and it does not like to attack other countries and only fought back if threatened. The High Council, has to come together to vote on war or not. 

Domestic affairs
Gallifrey is a country that takes everything with a calm and peaceful mindset. The people of Gallifrey let the People's and the High Council determined peace treaties or not depending on what they give us in return for accepting. Gallifrey tries to keep up the food sources and depends on slaves to build temples to the gods and harvest food. They also trade for cows and livestock for meat and horses for transportation. All Gallifrens worship the Greek Gods and believe that they are the children of Poseidon, and have a great navel army to fight back if necessary. Gallifrey also trades for Douglas wood for their ships. Douglas wood is strong yet it retains it shape within the ship so it will not bend easily. While Gallifrey is a peaceful country it also is ready with its navy to fight back.

Government of Galifrey

There are three main branches of Galifrey's government. The first is the People's Council, a group of one hundred and one male citizens elected by popular vote. The second branch is the High Council, which is a group of nine male aristocrats appointed by the Elder's Council, a group of all male citizens over the age of sixty.

The High Council does the majority of the governing, being smaller and able to meet most frequently. Their primary responsibilities is managing the treasury, trading and diplomacy with other city-states, and passing legislation. The nine members also serve as generals and admirals in times of war.

The People's Council meets much less frequently and generally only votes on issues such as declaring war. They are also in charge of collecting taxes and distributing food.

The Elder's Council is considered the most powerful of the three councils. They serve as judges and jury and lawyers for legal cases. They have little to do with legislating, however, they have veto power on any bill or action which the People's Council or the High Council attempt to enact.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Philosophy and Education

  • What is your city states view on education? Education is very important to a successful society and it is believed that people should have a good moral standing as well as a good philosophy on life overall. Education is first priority in this city-state.

  • What type of education to people receive? The education in our city state revolves around philosophy, science, politics, language, and mathematics. It is believed that for a person to become a balanced individual it is crucial that they receive a balanced education. 

  • Who receives it? Women and men both receive a formal education. They both go to a formal school until the age of 15. At the age of 15 men go off to serve in the military or government and women go to work in the home.

  • What does your city-state think about reason/philosophy? A good understanding of reason and philosophy is extremely important to a successful society. Their views are strongly influenced by the works of philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

  • Are the educational views in your city-state more similar to Athens or Sparta? The educational views in this city state are more similar to Athens than Sparta because they value education and philosophy over war. The only way in which the education in Gallifrey is more similar to Sparta is the fact the women get a formal education, as well as the men.