Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Foreign and Domestic affairs

Foreign Affairs 
Gallifrey if a peaceful state and it does not like to attack other countries and only fought back if threatened. The High Council, has to come together to vote on war or not. 

Domestic affairs
Gallifrey is a country that takes everything with a calm and peaceful mindset. The people of Gallifrey let the People's and the High Council determined peace treaties or not depending on what they give us in return for accepting. Gallifrey tries to keep up the food sources and depends on slaves to build temples to the gods and harvest food. They also trade for cows and livestock for meat and horses for transportation. All Gallifrens worship the Greek Gods and believe that they are the children of Poseidon, and have a great navel army to fight back if necessary. Gallifrey also trades for Douglas wood for their ships. Douglas wood is strong yet it retains it shape within the ship so it will not bend easily. While Gallifrey is a peaceful country it also is ready with its navy to fight back.

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